
A native Mac app distribution of GNU Octave


Developer Downloads

These are downloads for developers and testers of Octave.app. This page contains prerelease software that may be buggy.

If you are an Octave.app user, you probably want to go to our main Download page instead.

The full release history, including all beta releases, can be found on our GitHub Releases page.

Current 6.x Series Releases

6.3.0 beta 1

Beta 1 for Octave.app 6.3.0.


6.2.0 beta 1

Beta 1 for Octave.app 6.2.0.


6.1.0 beta 1

Beta 1 for Octave.app 6.1.0.


Old 5.x Series Releases

Changes in 5.x

A Java JDK is now bundled with the Octave.app installation, so you no longer have to download and install a separate JDK yourself to enable Java support in Octave.

5.2.0 beta 2

Beta 2 for Octave.app 5.2.0, released April 25, 2020.


Older 4.x Series Releases

4.4.1-u2 beta 3

Beta 3 for Octave.app 4.4.1-u2, released March 9, 2020.


Changes since 4.4.1

This update includes:

Site MapColophon