Octave.app is a new open source project dedicated to producing Mac native app distributions of GNU Octave. Find us on GitHub at the octave-app organization, or on our web page at https://octave-app.github.io.
We are not an official GNU or GNU Octave project. We are a group of interested Octave users who work on Macs, and want to see an easy-to-use Mac distribution of Octave made available. We are building an Octave.app bundler system based on the install_octave.sh work of Sebastian Schoeps and will be distributing Octave.app builds made with it.
We are currently in the process of setting up our build and hosting infrastructure, and working on a build of Octave 4.4.0. In the mean time, old downloads of Octave.app 4.0.3 are available on our Downloads page.
If you have questions about the project or are interested in contributing, please contact octave-app@apjanke.net.